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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

这几天风云突变,之前可以debit card 来load的红鸟也挂了。。

红鸟 (AMEX REDcard) 是近段时间人们制造消费 (MS) 的首选卡之一,但是就在10/12, 全美所有Target 突然都无法用借记卡 (debit card) 来 load 红鸟。

Target 新的宣传册上也已经写了只能cash... 禁止所有debit card load :
ALL prepaid cards at Target, said as of today the in-store loads for them would be cash only. I asked her if it mentioned anything about a technical or other issue or it being temporary, said no, said it looks like it will be like this from now on.
As the manager was reading out loud parts of the memo after my polite by instant questions to clarify it beyond doubt, she did manage to spill out something from the memo to the effect that this was a Target decision (it was something to the effect of “Target has made a decision”) then stopped saying it out load at that part, telling me with a smile that I didn’t really need to know all the other details of it. 

各论坛已经是哀鸿遍野了。。。无法用现金以外的方式喂食,养了红鸟的同学们,现在要开始考虑换成蓝鸟和服务鸟 (OneVIP) 或者 Money Order了,注意换之前一定要先等所有交易结算完毕。撰诗一首以作纪念:红鸟啼血,江河悲鸣。万古流芳,永垂不朽。

红鸟 MS 已经确定死亡了,现在还活着的常用 MS 手段只有蓝鸟 (BlueBird) 和服务鸟 (Serve),或者在 Walmart 购买 Money Order,要相信 MS 方法总是有的

1. 允许credit card load已经就是在亏本
2. target的客戶群是不需要prepaid card的,因此红鸟的客戶大都是MSer,既然是Mser,target又允许一次可load 2.5k,经常看到一堆Mser拿好几张红鸟在load,增加了员工开支成本,反观walmart对这些现象作了限制,就没有这些情况。

其实我办了以后觉得能够省5%,而且免运费,也不错的。一加钱就unload绝对是大忌啊,只要经常留点余钱给人赚赚利息,应该没事的,不过即使挂了,就冲target 5%折扣和FS也值得长期拥有啊 Bring the world to your door